PGA had constituted a Sikh Martial Art Research and Training Board (SMART Board) to grant scholarships
to the aspiring research scholars doing Ph.D in the field of martial art, especially on Gatka in order to enrich
the historical literature on Sikh martial art. Prominent personalities have been included into the SMART Board
to verify and accept the research projects. In this regard letters have been sent to all the
Vice Chancellors of Universities of Punjab State.
Gatka promotes Physical Fitness

Gatka is like an art in life, it isn’t just about fighting. To advance oneself physically, mentally and spiritually through the study of martial arts,
a combination of diligence, dedication and proper training is keys for Gatkebaaz. Gatka promotes physical fitness and positive social interaction
in a courteous and fun atmosphere. Gatka has very great character forming values. It also develops the qualities of self respect, endurance,
calmness, self control and the ability to take punishment without whining. Our greatest responsibility is to instill in our Gatkebaaz a sense o
f discipline and a code of ethics to inspire them to lead exemplary lives as leaders in the community.
It gives the practitioners Gatkebaaz complete control over body movements, the mind, and confidence in the self.
In addition to the blows and guards, that constitutes a stock of most useful and important exercises, provides very complete armour
of defence against the ordinary dangers of attack.
Gatka increases your cardio fitness. It really gets you moving, whether it’s doing patterns, sparring, or practicing different techniques.
Training sessions also usually include a warm-up at the beginning, to get your heart rate going.
Gatka improves your muscle tone and strength. It requires you to use your entire body, which tones all your muscles, increasing your strength, too.
It also tones and stretches your eyes muscles during constant gazing on the opponent thereby increases your concentration of mind and vision.
Gatka teaches you self-defence. It’s no secret that most martial arts are based on a form of combat, and defending oneself.
It will help you to be prepared if ever you are in a dangerous situation—not necessarily to fight back, but at least to react in the best possible manner.
Gatka improves your flexibility and coordination. Different techniques and exercises can greatly help to improve your balance,
posture, flexibility and coordination.
Gatka puts emphasis on self-confidence and respect. Many types of martial arts, especially the Gatka is great for improving
your self-discipline, as well as put the emphasis on being self-confident, and respecting oneself, as well as others.